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Prof. Roland Saldanha

Prof. Roland Saldanha

International Law, Trade & Economics | Partner 

(11) 3456-7890


Portuguese | English | Spanish

Professor Roland Saldanha is an an international economics expert with extensive experience, boasting over two decades as an international consultant. Throughtout his carrer, he has worked to develop advisory studies and provide training in the domains of foreign trade and industrial economics, serving the entire market supply chain, from producers to importers and exporters. In addition, he has successfully led and won cases against major companies aiming to increase market access and lower barriers to trade.


At Sidera, Professor Roland constructs trade solutions for market creation and expansion and leads the Economics team. In essence, he ensures that Sidera maintains a unique long-term approach to all matters regarding market expansion and the removal of trade barriers.



PhD in Bussiness Administration | PUC | São Paulo | Brazil

Intensive Trade Law Program | Institut des Hautes Etudes |  Switzerland  

Master Degree in Ecomics | FGV | São Paulo | Brazil

Bachelor of Bussiness Administration | FGV | São Paulo |  Brazil

 Bachelor of Law | USP | Brazil


Brazil decides to suspend anti-dumping duties

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